What is the Special Tax Levy?

    The Special Tax Levy for Curbside Collection of Garbage and Recycling will incorporate the cost of the disposal of recyclables, and one garbage bag per week, within your tax bill. For 2025, this will amount to $200 and each residential property will receive 50 bag tags. 

    What is the cost per residential property?

    In 2025, eligible property owners will have the $200 Special Tax Levy added to the first installment of their tax bill.

    How many bag tags will be issued to each residential property?

    50 bag tags will be issued to residential property owners in late of January 2025. The 50 bag tags are intended to cover curbside collection for all of 2025.

    When should residents expect to receive their allotted bag tags?

    They will be sent via letter mail in late January 2025 with tax bills.

    What if I haven't received my bag tag mailing?

    We expect that all residents who qualify for the bag tag mail out will receive their allotted bag tags by early February. Please contact the Town by April 1st if you haven't received your tags and we will work to investigate the reason. 

    What if we require more bag tags?

    Additional bag tags can be purchased at several locations within Greater Napanee.

    My tax bill is paid through my financial agency and isn’t issued in the mail. How will I receive my allotted bag tags?

    Instances in which residents taxes are paid through a financial agency or monthly pre-authorized payment plans will receive a separate mailing of bag tags, as tax bills are received at a different time period than those on standard installments. These residents will have bag tags sent to the address listed on their tax bill but should expect a slight delay on receipt of tags as staff will have to sort addresses to determine those paid through a financial agency or monthly pre-authorized payment.

    How will the Special Tax Levy work for my tenants?

    The property owner will pay for the Special Tax Levy through their tax bills, and the bag tags will be issued to the property owner. It would be up to the property owner to determine how they would proceed with recouping the costs for waste disposal through rental agreements, etc. 

    How will the Special Tax Levy work for multi-residential units?

    Our waste collection contract currently allows for the collection of materials from multi-residential properties up to and including 5 units. Multi-residential properties with 6 or more units are not part of our curbside collection program (as per Bylaw 04-16 as amended). Multi-residential properties with 5 or less units participate in the Special Tax Levy for Curbside Collection.  Additional bag tags can be purchased as required at $4 each, see 'Where to Buy Bag Tags'.

    How will the Special Tax Levy work for Commercial Properties?

    There is no change to commercial properties. If commercial properties wish to use the curbside collection program, they are required continue to purchase bag tags. These properties must meet requirements within By-Law 06-14 as amended. 

    I am moving. Do I take the bag tags to my new address?

    No. If a property is being sold or purchased, the bag tags should remain with the property as they are part of the property taxes. 

    We already have several bag tags, will they expire?

    No. The Town’s bag tags do not expire. We would suggest keeping them on hand to use as required.

    Can I get a refund on bag tags that I have already purchased?

    We are not offering refunds on Greater Napanee Bag Tags at this time. The Bag Tags do not expire, and we recommend that residents keep them on hand for future use. 

    We are active in waste diversion and recycle as much as possible. We don’t generate a full bag of garbage each week. Why will all residential properties pay the same amount through the Special Tax Levy?

    The curbside collection budget includes the costs for both garbage and recycling collection. Based on average waste and recycling volumes generated within Greater Napanee, the cost of recycling collection is over 40% of our annual costs. 

    What will this look like in future years? Will costs continue to increase?

    It is expected that by 2026, Greater Napanee will no longer be responsible for the costs associated with bluebox collection. Through the Waste Free Ontario Act, the producers of bluebox materials will be responsible for the collection and recycling of these items, and the costs associated with the programs. This change should allow for a significant reduction in our curbside collection budget, at which time we plan to explore other waste diversion options for our community.