Town of Greater Napanee Official Plan Update

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Click Here to Access the First Draft of the Official Plan and Schedules

What is an Official Plan?

The Official Plan is a policy document that provides the land use planning framework to guide the physical, social, economic, and environmental management and growth of the municipality over an approximate 25-year horizon. It applies to all lands within the municipal boundary and the policies within it provide direction for the size and location of land uses, provision of municipal services and facilities, and preparation of regulatory bylaws to control the development and use of land. These types of policies are considered necessary to promote orderly growth and compatibility among land uses.

Why is it Being Updated?

The Planning Act requires that the Official Plan (OP) be reviewed every five years. The existing Official Plan was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on February 19th, 2002.

The purpose of the current update exercise is to:

  • Update policies to be consistent with the new Provincial Policy Statement (2020);
  • Update policies to conform with the Official Plan of the County of Lennox and Addington, which came into effect in 2017; and
  • Update policies to reflect the current vision for the Town of Greater Napanee.

Official Plan Review Process

In 2021 the Town retained Arcadis IBI Group, a professional consulting firm, to assist with undertaking the Official Plan Review. The Official Plan Review will be conducted in four phases. Town Council and Staff encourage community members to follow updates, review materials as they become available, and provide input during this process.

Phase 1 – Project Start-up and Initial Consultation - Complete

This Phase focuses on reviewing the background documents provided and consulting with the public, Town Staff, the County of Lennox & Addington, Conservation Authorities and any available commenting agencies to identify issues to be addressed through the Official Plan update.

OP Update - Study Area Memo

OP Update - January 2022 Presentation

Phase 2 – Background & Recommendations Report - Complete

This Phase will build upon the work completed in Phase 1 and a Background Report will be prepared to provide an overview of policy issues and recommendations which will be addressed in the draft Official Plan Update. The Background Report will incorporate the findings of the Growth Analysis prepared by Watson & Associates Economists as part of the County Official Plan update. The Growth Analysis will be used to provide updated population, employment, and housing projections for the Town, and to confirm if there is sufficient vacant employment and residential land available to accommodate expected growth to the year 2051.

OP Update - Background Report

OP Update - March 2023 Presentation

Phase 3 – Draft Official Plan Update – Spring 2024 - Complete

A Draft Official Plan along with Draft Schedules (maps) will be prepared based on the background information and comments received in the previous phases. The Draft Official Plan will be circulated to Town Council, Staff, and commenting agencies, and posted on this webpage for public review and feedback. A Statutory Public Open House, under the Planning Act, will be held to present the Revised Draft Official Plan to the community.

Phase 4 – Final Official Plan – Winter 2024

A Final Draft Official Plan will be prepared, based on feedback received in Phase 3 and comments received from the various commenting agencies. The Final Draft Official Plan will be presented at a Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act to obtain final community input. A Final Official Plan will then be prepared and presented to Town Council for adoption, then submitted to the County for approval.

Who Should Get Involved?

Everyone! This update will continue to help transform our municipality into a more vibrant, complete community that serves the needs of all residents, businesses and visitors in Greater Napanee.

Additional ways to participate:

  • Attend future consultation events
  • Provide your input through future online surveys
  • Create an account and subscribe to this page for email updates
  • Submit your comments to Michael Nobes, General Manager of Growth & Expansion

Click Here to Access the First Draft of the Official Plan and Schedules

What is an Official Plan?

The Official Plan is a policy document that provides the land use planning framework to guide the physical, social, economic, and environmental management and growth of the municipality over an approximate 25-year horizon. It applies to all lands within the municipal boundary and the policies within it provide direction for the size and location of land uses, provision of municipal services and facilities, and preparation of regulatory bylaws to control the development and use of land. These types of policies are considered necessary to promote orderly growth and compatibility among land uses.

Why is it Being Updated?

The Planning Act requires that the Official Plan (OP) be reviewed every five years. The existing Official Plan was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on February 19th, 2002.

The purpose of the current update exercise is to:

  • Update policies to be consistent with the new Provincial Policy Statement (2020);
  • Update policies to conform with the Official Plan of the County of Lennox and Addington, which came into effect in 2017; and
  • Update policies to reflect the current vision for the Town of Greater Napanee.

Official Plan Review Process

In 2021 the Town retained Arcadis IBI Group, a professional consulting firm, to assist with undertaking the Official Plan Review. The Official Plan Review will be conducted in four phases. Town Council and Staff encourage community members to follow updates, review materials as they become available, and provide input during this process.

Phase 1 – Project Start-up and Initial Consultation - Complete

This Phase focuses on reviewing the background documents provided and consulting with the public, Town Staff, the County of Lennox & Addington, Conservation Authorities and any available commenting agencies to identify issues to be addressed through the Official Plan update.

OP Update - Study Area Memo

OP Update - January 2022 Presentation

Phase 2 – Background & Recommendations Report - Complete

This Phase will build upon the work completed in Phase 1 and a Background Report will be prepared to provide an overview of policy issues and recommendations which will be addressed in the draft Official Plan Update. The Background Report will incorporate the findings of the Growth Analysis prepared by Watson & Associates Economists as part of the County Official Plan update. The Growth Analysis will be used to provide updated population, employment, and housing projections for the Town, and to confirm if there is sufficient vacant employment and residential land available to accommodate expected growth to the year 2051.

OP Update - Background Report

OP Update - March 2023 Presentation

Phase 3 – Draft Official Plan Update – Spring 2024 - Complete

A Draft Official Plan along with Draft Schedules (maps) will be prepared based on the background information and comments received in the previous phases. The Draft Official Plan will be circulated to Town Council, Staff, and commenting agencies, and posted on this webpage for public review and feedback. A Statutory Public Open House, under the Planning Act, will be held to present the Revised Draft Official Plan to the community.

Phase 4 – Final Official Plan – Winter 2024

A Final Draft Official Plan will be prepared, based on feedback received in Phase 3 and comments received from the various commenting agencies. The Final Draft Official Plan will be presented at a Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act to obtain final community input. A Final Official Plan will then be prepared and presented to Town Council for adoption, then submitted to the County for approval.

Who Should Get Involved?

Everyone! This update will continue to help transform our municipality into a more vibrant, complete community that serves the needs of all residents, businesses and visitors in Greater Napanee.

Additional ways to participate:

  • Attend future consultation events
  • Provide your input through future online surveys
  • Create an account and subscribe to this page for email updates
  • Submit your comments to Michael Nobes, General Manager of Growth & Expansion


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  • Share what's happening with the Gibbard District project? Is this project included in your plan on Facebook Share what's happening with the Gibbard District project? Is this project included in your plan on Twitter Share what's happening with the Gibbard District project? Is this project included in your plan on Linkedin Email what's happening with the Gibbard District project? Is this project included in your plan link

    what's happening with the Gibbard District project? Is this project included in your plan

    David asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question and interest in the Town's Official Plan Update project. The project is not solely focused on the Gibbard District property since the Official Plan is the principle planning document for the future development of the municipality and it applies to all lands within the municipality.

    To answer your question more specifically regarding the Gibbard District, please see the below points:

    • The Developer (Doornekamp Construction) has stated to the Town that they will be putting the project on pause until construction pricing becomes more stabilized.
    • The project commenced with inground structural works being completed by Doornekamp Construction and all above-grade works (including mechanical/electrical) being tendered to third party contractors
      • Tender pricing was evaluated by Doornekamp during the rising costs of construction and was projected to put the project over budget significantly
    • The Town has worked co-operatively with the developer throughout the approvals and construction processes to help see the project come to fruition.
    • The Town’s first priority for stalled construction projects is safety/security of the site, second priority is maintenance of the site and third priority includes actions to encourage the permit holder to complete the building’s exterior to mitigate potential impacts on neighbours (i.e. Property Standards-related actions)
    • Building permits cannot impose conditions to complete construction within a prescribed time or set a building permit expiry date. 
    • The Building Code Act provides the ability to revoke building permits if there is greater than 1 year of non-activity. This is a discretionary permission within the Act and there is no intention of revoking the issued building permits for the Gibbard site as a result of this pause in construction.
Page last updated: 24 May 2024, 11:42 AM