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Consultation has concluded
The Town of Greater Napanee would like to engage with its residents before the 2022 - 2025 budget process in the Fall of 2021.
The goal of this engagement session is to provide information on property taxes, the budget process and most importantly, to seek input from the public before "pen is put to paper" in the Town budget process.
This is a new initiative by Council and staff to complement the recent change to longer-term budgeting. Please participate and let your voices be heard.
The Town budget process changed for 2021. The new process included a long-term view for the budget to identify potential efficiencies, revenues and to provide information in advance of changes. The 2022 budget process sees the addition of consultation in order to add a direct public vote to the budget conversation.
The goal of this engagement session is to provide information on property taxes, the budget process and most importantly, to seek input from the public before "pen is put to paper" in the Town budget process.
This is a new initiative by Council and staff to complement the recent change to longer-term budgeting. Please participate and let your voices be heard.
The Town budget process changed for 2021. The new process included a long-term view for the budget to identify potential efficiencies, revenues and to provide information in advance of changes. The 2022 budget process sees the addition of consultation in order to add a direct public vote to the budget conversation.
Tell us what matters most to you about the 2022 budget
We want to hear from you about where you would like to see resources going and to create a positive difference for you in Greater Napanee?
Think about the following when you respond:
Large projects
Changes in services levels
Recreation needs
Your input will be provided in a report to council for consideration during the budget process.
Consultation has concluded
Mutli-use trail network and bike lanes added to any roads undergoing improvements and resurfacing. Relocate the downtown boat launch to a more accessible area. Clean up the Napanee river to make it more enjoyable. Repurpose unused buildings for shelter/temporary homes etc.
Kelly & Mark
over 3 years ago
Trail network. Extending the old railbed trail near the fairgrounds, developing the trail over the overpass on the other side of town. Build fences for it if needed so farmers don't have people tresspassing. Food security. Creating more community spaces for indoor & outdoor gatherings and events.
over 3 years ago
Trail network. Extending the old railbed trail near the fairgrounds, developing the trail over the overpass on the other side of town. Build fences for it if needed so farmers don't have people tresspassing. Food security. Creating more community spaces for indoor & outdoor gatherings and events.
over 3 years ago
I asked a general question on social media (Facebook) about outdoor volleyball. I had a huge positive response just from my own personal FB account. I am hoping the town can help fulfill this idea. There are poles at kinsmen, JJ O’Neill and prince Charles school. Sand will be needed and nets.
2022 Budget Consultation is currently at this stage
Staff will be taking public questions and comments until 9 pm on September 21, 2021
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for 2022 Budget Consultation
After public comments and questions have been collected, Staff will develop a report based on the feedback to bring forward to Council at the September 28, 2021 Council meeting.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for 2022 Budget Consultation
The final report will be presented publicly to Council on September 28, 2021
Mutli-use trail network and bike lanes added to any roads undergoing improvements and resurfacing.
Relocate the downtown boat launch to a more accessible area.
Clean up the Napanee river to make it more enjoyable.
Repurpose unused buildings for shelter/temporary homes etc.
Trail network. Extending the old railbed trail near the fairgrounds, developing the trail over the overpass on the other side of town. Build fences for it if needed so farmers don't have people tresspassing. Food security. Creating more community spaces for indoor & outdoor gatherings and events.
Trail network. Extending the old railbed trail near the fairgrounds, developing the trail over the overpass on the other side of town. Build fences for it if needed so farmers don't have people tresspassing. Food security. Creating more community spaces for indoor & outdoor gatherings and events.
I asked a general question on social media (Facebook) about outdoor volleyball. I had a huge positive response just from my own personal FB account. I am hoping the town can help fulfill this idea. There are poles at kinsmen, JJ O’Neill and prince Charles school. Sand will be needed and nets.