What does a 2% increase look like for the average customer?

    A 2% increase will be equivalent to $4.14 per bill (bi-monthly) for our average customer. That works out to basically one cup or coffee a month.

    What does a 2% increase look like for revenue?

    A 2% increase to the 2022 Utilities Rate Schedule is expected to increase revenue by approximately $133,530 for the year

    How much water does the average customer use per billing cycle?

    The 2021 average usage was 26.4 m3 bi-monthly

    How many customer are connected to Greater Napanee's municipal water and sewer system?

    There are currently 3,454 customers serviced by the Town of Greater Napanee. This number also includes approximately 100 customers within our Sandhurst Shores Drinking Water System

    How many of the customers are residential?

    Of the 3,454 total customers noted above, 3,048 of those are residential

    Where does the municipal drinking water in Napanee come from?

    Lake Ontario! The raw water is pumped underground, along County Road 8, for approximately 16 kilometers before it reaches the A.L. Dafoe Water Treatment Plant for treatment and disinfection.