Proposed Tomlinson Asphalt Plant Re-Zoning Application

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Consultation has concluded

Regular Meeting of Council for April 5, 2022

Tomlinson Asphalt Plant and Concrete Plant

Council has denied the zoning by-law amendment request from RW Tomlinson to permit a Permanent Asphalt Plant at the quarry on County Road 2 on the basis that it does not appear to be in the best interest of the community. Council also passed a motion to advise the Provincial government that Greater Napanee is an unwilling host for a permanent asphalt plant at this specific location.

Resolution #167/22 (Kaiser, McCormack)

“That Council receive for information IBI Group Planning Report PLZACO 2020 052 (8205 County Road 2) Re-zoning; And further That, Council denies the zoning bylaw amendment on the basis that it does not appear to be in the best interest of the community.”

Resolution #184/22 (McCormack, Norrie)

“That based on the input received from the community regarding the proposed permanent asphalt plant at 8205 County Road 2 (PLZACO 2020 052), the Council of the Town of Greater Napanee support its residents by advising the Provincial government that the Town of Greater Napanee is an "unwilling host" for a permanent asphalt plant at this location.”

*Please note that this page will become inactive and no longer available to the public after April 14, 2022.

Thank you all for your contribution/participation in this matter.

Background information is available for residents to learn more about this history of this project.

Regular Meeting of Council for April 5, 2022

Tomlinson Asphalt Plant and Concrete Plant

Council has denied the zoning by-law amendment request from RW Tomlinson to permit a Permanent Asphalt Plant at the quarry on County Road 2 on the basis that it does not appear to be in the best interest of the community. Council also passed a motion to advise the Provincial government that Greater Napanee is an unwilling host for a permanent asphalt plant at this specific location.

Resolution #167/22 (Kaiser, McCormack)

“That Council receive for information IBI Group Planning Report PLZACO 2020 052 (8205 County Road 2) Re-zoning; And further That, Council denies the zoning bylaw amendment on the basis that it does not appear to be in the best interest of the community.”

Resolution #184/22 (McCormack, Norrie)

“That based on the input received from the community regarding the proposed permanent asphalt plant at 8205 County Road 2 (PLZACO 2020 052), the Council of the Town of Greater Napanee support its residents by advising the Provincial government that the Town of Greater Napanee is an "unwilling host" for a permanent asphalt plant at this location.”

*Please note that this page will become inactive and no longer available to the public after April 14, 2022.

Thank you all for your contribution/participation in this matter.

Background information is available for residents to learn more about this history of this project.