Encampment Response Consultation

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About the Consultation:

The Town of Greater Napanee is seeking input from the community through public consultation due to the ongoing challenges of homelessness and encampments that many municipalities, including ours, are facing.

By conducting public consultation on a Parks and Public Spaces By-law and Encampment Response Protocol, we can ensure that the use of parks and public spaces is more predictable, minimize negative interactions, and make the use of shared spaces fair for all residents.

How to provide feedback and learn more about this subject:

  • Review the proposed documents that are listed under the 'Important Documents' section
  • Complete the survey below
  • Use the 'Comment' box below if there is additional feedback you would like to provide

How resident feedback will be used:

Staff will be compiling all feedback we receive throughout the consultation process and reporting back to Council in the second half of October. Resident responses will inform recommended changes to the draft by-law that was presented to Council at the August 27 meeting.

Staff’s final recommendation to Council will incorporate resident feedback, legal advice, experiences of other municipalities, and the Town’s fiscal and operational capacities. The decision of which by-laws, policies and budgets to enact will be up to the determination of Council

In-Person Community Forum:

There will be a Community Forum in the Banquet Hall at the Best & Bash Arena on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Leaders from community institutions that are working on an encampment response will be present to participate in a panel and address questions from residents.

This forum will be live streamed on the Town of Greater Napanee YouTube channel. Virtual questions will not be accepted at the Community Forum due to technology limitations. Written questions may be submitted in advance using the 'Questions' box on this page and in-person during the meeting. If we are unable to respond to all questions during the meeting, we will post an updated question and answer sheet in the following days.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Our FAQ Sheet will be periodically updated to include new information. Where questions fall outside of the scope of the Town's operations, we may also pass them on to our partner agencies.

About the Consultation:

The Town of Greater Napanee is seeking input from the community through public consultation due to the ongoing challenges of homelessness and encampments that many municipalities, including ours, are facing.

By conducting public consultation on a Parks and Public Spaces By-law and Encampment Response Protocol, we can ensure that the use of parks and public spaces is more predictable, minimize negative interactions, and make the use of shared spaces fair for all residents.

How to provide feedback and learn more about this subject:

  • Review the proposed documents that are listed under the 'Important Documents' section
  • Complete the survey below
  • Use the 'Comment' box below if there is additional feedback you would like to provide

How resident feedback will be used:

Staff will be compiling all feedback we receive throughout the consultation process and reporting back to Council in the second half of October. Resident responses will inform recommended changes to the draft by-law that was presented to Council at the August 27 meeting.

Staff’s final recommendation to Council will incorporate resident feedback, legal advice, experiences of other municipalities, and the Town’s fiscal and operational capacities. The decision of which by-laws, policies and budgets to enact will be up to the determination of Council

In-Person Community Forum:

There will be a Community Forum in the Banquet Hall at the Best & Bash Arena on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Leaders from community institutions that are working on an encampment response will be present to participate in a panel and address questions from residents.

This forum will be live streamed on the Town of Greater Napanee YouTube channel. Virtual questions will not be accepted at the Community Forum due to technology limitations. Written questions may be submitted in advance using the 'Questions' box on this page and in-person during the meeting. If we are unable to respond to all questions during the meeting, we will post an updated question and answer sheet in the following days.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Our FAQ Sheet will be periodically updated to include new information. Where questions fall outside of the scope of the Town's operations, we may also pass them on to our partner agencies.


Share your suggestions on the Town's proposed encampment response here. Please note, there may be a delay in seeing your comment posted as comments are moderated.  

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Round them up and ship them out.

LRG 10 days ago

get rid of them all together. It’s a drug infestation. Typical liberal governing. Let’s destroy the community. Put them in jail or a camp. It’s beyond disgusting. We used to be a proper society. Crack a meth encampment.

John123 10 days ago

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this Encampment Response Protcol and the proposed bylaw.

Understand from the beginning that I am sensitive to and empathetic to the plight of homeless people in our community. An easy solution is unavailable.

Remember this community exists for ALL residents, tenants, citizens and visitors to the Town of Greater Napanee. Giving special exemption privileges or status to select or a defined group runs counter the Bill of Rights and Freedoms and counter to the mandate given to the Council and Staff of the town by the voters of the community. This also divides overall pubic opinion both favourable and unfavourable, creates animousity between tax paying residents as well as tenants, visitors and business people.

My comments will be directed mostly to the Protocol and specific sections that are unacceptable to be incorporated with the bylaw.

I reference the Encampment Response Protocol, section 2: Definitions, paragraph (e) "Sensitive Use Area", items i, ii, iii, and iv - these four items must be excluded from the definition of "Sensitive Use Area". All these areas are used by children and families either for recreation facilities installed on these properties or for purposes such a education, daycare, specific sports or other events or activities for childrenand families, as well as many foolks who visit the town and may be considering Greater Napanee for a future home. These areas must be reserved exclusively for use by the general public without encampments for unhoused or precariously housed individuals.

Further, I note that our CAO specifically referenced the City of Hamilton Encampment Protocol where he was previously employed. The CBC reports (July 14, 2024) that many citizens have responded to their protocol saying that, after a year in effect, it is proving to be inadequate and unenforceable forcing citizens and their affectd families to complain loudly to council. The major complaint is being unable to use the parks and activity areas as originally they were intended and those residents are calling 911 abiout drug overdoses, property damage, littering and waste as well as theft. The result being that the whole protcol and bylaw prcess appears to be undergoing some very serious rconsideration.

This makes the case even more compelling for the Supreme Court case law rulings, relative to Human Rights, to be questioned and challenged recognizing that giving special exemption to allow encampments merely drives a wedge between the housed and unhoused and erodes the safety of both groups. It also strangles potential citizen involvement that could assist and move forward to a better working effort toward reducing homelessness and its associated issues.

The long term solution to this is to eradicate street drug use - a societal issue that is, in all truth, unacheiveable. Meanwhile, the mental health of all our citizens needs full health, social and spiritualTh support. irty plus years ago, when the less-than-perfect mental health hospitals were closed without a broader working model, all these people were left with only the street for a home.

Again, thank you for listening - Please hear your people and do your job to provide a safe community to live, work, play and retire in!

Please feel free to contact for further discussion.

Les 10 days ago

iI have heard that the town of Napanee does NOT have a full time bylaw officer, is this accurate?

kt 11 days ago

I am not in support of any encampments within parks or near schools etc
Don’t allow it to happen and let it be challenged in court.
My tax paying dollars should not be used for this encampment proposal.
Our downtown core is already staring to look like a ghost town. When businesses are shuttered what will be your tax base?
Have a mobile methadone clinic and move them from store fronts and drug stores.
Safe injection sites are a no go. They don’t work.

Resident 11 days ago

Our parks where our children once played and our seniors once walked are no longer a positive, safe space for them to enjoy. We are currently putting mentally ill, drug addicted, non-tax paying occupants above everyone else to not offend the woke left. It’s time to bring back common sense and make safety our number one priority for our citizens. Not to mention our downtown is repelling it’s own residents, business owners and tourists. Things are being vandalized, garbage, needles and literal human feces are left for the town workers to clean up…it’s disgusting. The town needs to grow a back bone and say enough is enough.

Amy d 12 days ago

Is there a piece of vacant land they could use. Drop off a garbage bin and Porta potties. Then set up a temporary resource office.

Teen 16 days ago

I believe encampments will be a big mistake to create in any public area, as a tax payer I would like to enjoy our public parks. Create shelter for the homeless is a must but not in tents

Dennis Darnley 19 days ago

6 Napanee home owners over for tea. We all tried to complete survey. Some of the questions left us with no option. Isolation is not the goal. We all agreed this is not what we wish for our homeless. To be pushed away .

Marjorie 20 days ago

Message to Town Hall:
That we need to prevent encampments by focusing all resources/energies (financial and human) on providing housing solutions. Encampments are not good for the people who use them, and they are not good for communities. All they do is worsen the divide between vulnerable people in communities and their fellow community members. They will be a constant eyesore and frustration that will grow, no matter what we do to limit the size and scope - and they will never replace dignified housing solutions.
We need to channel all our energy and innovation into a single-pronged, non-negotiable "housing first" strategy. We must engage all the compassionate responders in the community - agencies, churches, individuals - and establish adequate short-term housing. Any energy spent on administering encampments, or creating infrastructure to support them will simply perpetuate them. They will grow and get out of control in spite of any attempt to keep them in a box or buffer zone.

Michelle Hauser 20 days ago

Why can't there be an encampment aera in the area behind the complex where Jimmi’s Italian is. Close to stores ,away from parks,schools and downtown

Betty 25 days ago

Move them. There is enough bending by taxpayers to support and give. The sad reality is this. The park brings visitors which means helping the economy by visiting shops and restaurants. I for one would avoid the park right now. That means I will send my money elsewhere. I'm sorry if this hurts people's feelings but I do not want to be jabbed by a dirty discarded needle or step in someone's body fluids. Gross but it's a reality. As adults we stop our children from making a mess. Kingston just had murders in an encampment. Who's to say someone walking through the park won't get stabbed or assaulted by someone out of it on drugs. That park is a very beautiful place to go and to let this be overrun is a shame. You give an inch and some expect a mile.

Gk64 25 days ago

They all didn't choose to be homeless please allow the to stay at the fair ground

Dianne 26 days ago

The council should lead by example and have these tents placed in directly in front of the government buildings and the townhall doors.

They should be viewable by you any time you are working as a sign that you are committed to solving this and are willing to take the brunt of this head on until you can.

A Napanee Guardian 27 days ago

I have been following the various meetings and suggestions, since the start, and believed that the proposed bylaw, was a viable option. Last week, I viewed a newscast on Global, however that showed a more favourable opt, ion, than what was suggested here. Whereas, the Napanee town clerk is showing a map that clearly still allows encampments in our local parks, the community featured on Global has banned them from these parks, and give them a designated public property to live on. I believe the municipality was Peterborough area, and they too consulted their legal eagles, and it is perfectly acceptable to do this as long as another public property is designated. So if we are legal able to remove them from our parks, what is council waiting for????

Save our parks!! 27 days ago

There is a need for more transitional housing and better communication with the powers to be at social services in Napanee

G.L 27 days ago
Page last updated: 07 Oct 2024, 09:00 AM